CSIRO執行長馬歇爾(Dr LarryMarshall)表示,病毒在物品表面存活時間一經證實,就能更準確預測病毒傳播情況並加以控制,更好地保護大眾。研究刊登在《病毒學期刊》(VirologyJournal)。作者指出,新型冠狀病毒能在較低溫下持續存活於不鏽鋼表面,正好解釋為何肉類加工廠和冷藏設施出現疫情。曾經有國家的肉類加工廠和屠宰場爆發大規模疫情,確診工人數以千計。研究人員亦表示,他們的研究結果呼應先前研究指病毒可在新鮮和冷藏食物上存活。
A study in Australia found that the new crown virus can survive up on the screen such as mobile phones, money and other items surface 28 days. Photo source : AFP experts pointed out that the virus can be spread by droplets left on the surface of objects when an infected personcoughs , sneezes, or speaks. The results of previous experiments showed that the virus can survive on banknotes and glass surfaces for 2 to 3 days, and on plastic and stainless steel surfaces for up to 6 days.
Australian research institutions of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization ( CSIRO Australian Center for Disease Control () under the top-level biosafety laboratory ACDP latest research) has found that in 20 at ℃ room temperature, the virus ” extremely tough ” , may in glass Smooth surfaces such as mobile phone screens, and plastic banknotes or banknotes survive for 28 days. In similar circumstances, pandemic influenza virus can only survive for 17 days.
Studies have also found that the hotter the weather, the shorter the survival time of the virus. On some surfaces, the infectivity of the virus disappears within 24 hours at 40 ℃ . On the surface of smooth, non-porous materials, the survival time is longer than that of porous materials such as cloth. However, this experiment was carried out in the dark to avoid the influence of ultraviolet rays . Ultraviolet rays have been proven to kill viruses. Some experts also questioned the actual threat posed by viruses spreading on the surface of objects in real life. The most common mode of transmission of the virus is direct contact with droplets from an infected person who coughs, sneezes, or speaks.
CSIRO chief executive Marshall ( Dr LarryMarshall ) said the virus survive in the surface of items a time proven, we can more accurately predict the spread of the virus to control the situation and to better protect the public. The research was published in VirologyJournal . The author pointed out that the new coronavirus can continue to survive on stainless steel surfaces at low temperatures, which exactly explains why the epidemic has occurred in meat processing plants and cold storage facilities. A large-scale epidemic broke out in meat processing plants and slaughterhouses in the country, and thousands of workers were confirmed. The researchers also said that their findings echo previous studies that the virus can survive on fresh and frozen food.
ACDP Deputy Director Debbie Eagles ( Debbie Eagles ) said that the results of the study show that the virus can survive on the surface of objects for a long time, and everyone should maintain good habits, such as washing hands frequently and frequently cleaning the touch screen and other surfaces.