刊登在日本「臨床傳染病」(Clinical Infectious Diseases)的研究指出,相較之下,造成流行性感冒的病毒只會在人類皮膚停留約1.8小時。這份研究指出:「和IAV(A型流感病毒)相比,(造成2019新冠病毒疾病的病毒株)SARS-CoV-2會存活在人類皮膚9小時,或許會增加接觸傳染風險,從而加速疫情擴散。」研究團隊從解剖樣本採集病患死亡約1天後的皮膚進行測試。噴灑乾洗手使用的乙醇後,病毒和感冒病毒都會在15秒內失去活性。研究指出:「SARS-CoV-2在皮膚上存活較長,增加了接觸傳染的風險,但手部清潔可降低這種風險。」這份研究為世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)建議經常且徹底洗手以降低病毒傳播風險的方針提供佐證。武漢肺炎去年底在中國爆發後,至今全球已有近4000萬人染疫。
Published in Japan, “Clinical Infectious Disease” ( Clinical Infectious Diseases Research) pointed out that contrast, caused by influenza virus in human skin will stay for about 1.8 hours. The study pointed out: “and IAV ( A -type influenza virus) compared to (create 2019 new crown strains of viral diseases) of SARS -CoV-2 will survive in human skin 9 hours might increase the risk of contagion, thus accelerating epidemic Spread.” The research team collected anatomical samples from the skin of the patient about one day after death for testing. After spraying the ethanol used by dry-cleaning hands, both viruses and cold viruses will lose their activity within 15 seconds.
Research points out: ” SARS-CoV-2 survive longer on the skin, increasing the risk of contagion, but hand hygiene can reduce this risk.” The study is the World Health Organization ( World Health Organization ) recommendations frequently and thoroughly Hand washing provides evidence for the policy of reducing the risk of virus transmission. After the outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia in China at the end of last year, nearly 40 million people worldwide have been infected.